Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Supports

When I look at my life I have many different support systems.  Those systems include my mother, grandfather, sister, and a few friends.  My grandfather was the male figure in my life when I was growing up.  Everyday he would pick me and my sister up from school and take us to his house.  He would make sure dinner was on the table when my mom would get home from work.  He was the one who would attend all of the school fieldtrips, take me to my dentist, and doctor appointments.  Since I was a young mother he was also there to support me financially.  When I was in need of a car or money he was always willing to help me out.

  My mother has always been there for me emotionally.  As a young mother my life was extremely stressful.  I don’t know where I would be today without the support of my mother.  She has always been there for me to offer advice and support to me.  When I decided to start college I knew it was going to be a struggle.  I had two young children and worked full-time.  Through my mother’s support and encouragement was able to obtain a teaching degree.

My sister has always been a support system in my life.  She has helped me tremendously with my children.  She would babysit for me whenever I needed her too.  She also helps me with getting them to and from school.  She always teases me by saying “When I have kids you owe me unlimited babysitting.”  It has been a joke for years.  She is also there for to support me emotionally as well.  Sometimes my mom gives me her opinion about something and if I don’t agree with her I will ask my sister’s opinion.  She is the only sibling I have so we have a very close relationship.

Last but not least I have a few close friends.  Some of these friends I met when I started college and we have remained friends.  We helped each other get through school and are still supporting each other as we having started our teaching careers.

I would not know what to do without these support systems in my life.  I think that support systems work both ways.  I may support my systems differently then they support me.